Learning About Tonsil Inflammation: Symptoms, Causes and Effective Treatments

Tonsillitis is a condition that the tonsils become inflamed. The common cause is bacteria like group A streptococcus. Children, teens, and young adults are often affected by children and it generally shows with signs like difficulty swallowing, fever, ear pain, and headaches.

To identify tonsillitis, your doctor may by taking a look at the tonsils and sometimes performing a throat swab to ensure it is bacterial. Treatment for viral tonsillitis focuses on reducing symptoms through painkillers. In bacterial cases, antibiotics may be prescribed.

When tonsillitis persists, tonsil removal symptons tonsillitis may be necessary if the condition disrupts daily life. You can prevent tonsillitis spreading by avoiding contact with others during symptoms.

In summary, tonsillitis involves infection of the tonsils, requiring treatments from pain relief to surgery depending on the severity.

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